Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Parenting Is..

Parenting is that first grey hair you notice in your mane and actually wondering what took it so long to get here.

Parenting is getting bit while nursing then crying because you werent ready to stop nursing yet. Rza getting mad because you got mad and trying to decide if nursing is for her anymore. Parenting is also extreme joy when Rza decides that she does want to keep nursing and shes not too grown yet.

Parenting is asking your 7 year old son about the girl that he likes and not flipping out on him because "omg hes into girls already." Actually having conversations about how to treat the little girl that he likes and how to be respectful.

Parenting is looking at your children every day and seeing the changes. Growing as tall as you and accomplishing new milestones and shedding a small tear every single time.

Parenting is my life and i wouldnt change it for the world.

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