Sunday, June 26, 2011

ready set go!

just when we finally get settled back into our routine, its about to get messed up again. were about to go to another family reunion! only this one is going to be at a water park this time!! i know both mel and i are excited, but i dont think jr has any idea whats about to happen. lol i took him to the waterpark at the waterfront yesterday for a friends sons bday and he wasnt a fan of the water too much. lol
i hope the water is warmer where were going so that he can actually have some fun. but once we got out of the water he had fun playing on the playground and flirting with the little girls in their swim suits.. i know im gonna have a problem on my hands when he gets older because hes already trying to flirt with the girls, young and old alike.. 
hangin out with his aunt shauna

this is my favoirte.. he walked thru the tunnel with his mouth open the whole way.

i love our sundays, they are the chill and relax days.. <3

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

What a week!

 FINALLY!!! we took our vacation. we went to colorado for a suprise family reunion/ 80th birthday party for my granny.. it all worked out really well, and she was so overwhelmed. it was amazing. my whole family has never been together in one spot like that at one time. it was crazy because all of the grandkids are all grown. hell i havent seen some of my cousins for 12-13 years and now we are all grown?!?! it was a trip. i think this weekend was second best to my wedding. ive met cousins that ive never met before, everyone got to meet the only great grand child. it was amazing. i called my granny today 3 days later and she is still so excited and smiley and overwhelmed. im glad we all did this for her..

so overwhelmed and surprised
my hearts

granny sammich

my family 

my grandmother and all her kids