Friday: Friday night was a #WifeOfAMusician #1Night4Shows kind of night. Mr Rmllw2llz had scheduled 4 shows that night. One of them being in Frankfort and the other 3 being in Louisville. You talk about feeling rushed all night. And it doesn't help that we started a little later than normal. Needless to say we made 3 out of the 4 shows, and it was a very long night. However the shows that he did perform at were great.. you can read more on my Wife of a Musician blog. Getting home around 4 gave me about ooh.. 4 hours of sleep, if I was lucky. So with those 4 hours started Saturday.
Saturday: Thunder Over Louisville 2014.. the start to all things derby. This year was the 25th anniversary of Thunder and this year we had the blue angels back for the air show. Needless to say we were packed and ready to go to be outside all day and most of the night for the airshow and fireworks. We had our cooler packed, a food bag packed, the chairs, and a comforter for maxing and relaxing. We found the best spot ever to watch the fireworks, but it seemed to get a little crowded kinda fast, so we took the party inside with some of the family and was able to chill out (literally) and watch everything from a comfortable distance. Jr got to run amok with his cousins and just play til his little heart was content.

Sunday: I don't know who thought putting $3 admission day on the same weekend as Thunder was going to be a good idea, but they did it anyway. And we went. smh. Running on about 6 hours of sleep, we packed up the cooler and hit the road to the zoo. I swear the who city tried to turn up to the zoo yesterday, we sat in traffic in the same area for about an hour. No bueno. When we finally got to the zoo it was just that... a zoo. There were so many people there it was crazy. I think half the people that were at thunder (officially 60,000 people attended) were at the zoo. I was so packed. The crowds alone give me anxiety, but my lil man enjoyed himself and got to hang out with his new friend so that's all that matters. I know if I feel like a zombie, my child has to feel the same. But he had a good fun weekend and hes happy so that's all that matters. Now we just need an early bed time and everyone will be happy. lol
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