I cant tell you how true this is. I mentioned to yall a while back about the Planner group Im in and Ive been added to another tribe of women. They are well, just as dope. Granted the second group I speak of isnt as intimate as the planner group since everyone is located a little bit of everywhere. But Ill tell you what, there has been some good dialogue that has happened among us, and it has helped the growth process. That second group is actually the reason why I am still fasting, not saying it was a group project, but to say that the amount of guidance and information being shared led me to take this journey. Im truly grateful for the tribes that have embraced me and allowed me to grow. When they say that you should surround yourself with like minded people who will help you grow, its a true statement. Even if yall arent as like minded as you think, being open and receptive to new ideas and suggestions is one of the best things you can do. Salute to my empowered planning pose and also the wonderful women of Resurrecting the divine feminine group. I appreciate and receive all that you have to offer.