if youve never heard the statement that of you put your foot in it (it being the meal) it means that you just cooked your ass off. And apparently thats what ive been doing here lately. the last three meals i have made have been sooooo good. i made black bean and potato enchiladas, mushroom stroganoff and tonight chili. We have been meat free for almost two weeks now, and i feel so much better when i eat. apparently sr is enjoying everything that ive made as well since he asked me to marry him again. i guess when they said the way to a mans heart is through his stomach they werent lying. lol ive been meaning to take pictures of the food as it gets done, but im so excited to get babes reaction to the food ive been forgetting. now if only i can get my child to start eating some it ill be happy. its not that jr doesnt want to eat vegetarian/vegan, he just doesnt want to try anything different when hes with me. And thats what i dont get. He eats at school, and when he goes to his sitters house or anywhere else im not. im almost wondering if i pack a lunch and send it with him if he would eat that. hmmm that may be worth a try. anyway i just wanted to rant and rave about my good food here lately. if you want the recipes that ive used here they are:
the portobello mushroom stroganoff.. i used egg noodles for the first serving and ended up getting some brown rice for the second serving. i liked the rice with it better
the black bean and potato enchiladas.. better than any restaurant
the vegan chili
if you try any of these let me know what you think. you can always follow me on pintrest too.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Ever feel like you’ve had that “aha” moment? Last night when I was cooking dinner, it just seemed like a light went on and everything suddenly became more clear. Sr was helping around the kitchen last night, and we were just talking away. I told him that everything just seems so different now, and it seems like its little things too. Take for instance, im enjoying cooking my food more. I don’t know if it was because I was doing more prepping, just cooking more fresh food or how colorful the food seems to be now, but I was really enjoying making dinner last night. Sr said things seem to be better because we don’t have so much processed food in our system, which is true. We haven’t had meat really since last Thursday maybe? So it seems like were lighter, and full of a different fuel. With drinking the detox tea, eating better and just having a different thought process it just seemed like life is finally becoming what it should be. I finally feel like I am where Im supposed to be in life and im surrounded by the people I need to be around. When I say I feel like im on a different level right now, I truly mean it. I feel almost like im hovering above my physical self watching me in action. I was also talking with sr last night just reflecting over the past 8 years of our life together, and I was telling him how grateful I am for him. Weve been through a lot of ups and downs, happy, sad and frustrating moments, and here we still stand, strong, happy and together. I hope that we can set an example of what real love is like for all of those wishing to have the same ,with understanding that its not all roses all the time. Ok so enough with all the mushy, deep stuff. Lol on to what I made last night!!!
Last night I made some tofu tacos!!! This was my first time using or making tofu. And I must say it came out so good. i had tofu when we went to the mongolian grill last week and it tasted like straight up cardboard, needless to say i was kinda skeptical about using tofu. But using this recipe it came out pretty good, the only thing i changed was i doubled the chili and cumin. other than that, last nights dinner was FIRE.

i hope yall enjoy reading this since i do enjoy writing. and Jordan if youre reading, i love my little unmedicated world you should too. <3
bless yall
Monday, January 14, 2013
New to me...
This is a new year, and with the new year, normally brings resolutions, goals and blah blah blah.. well for me it brings a new way of thinking, new way of eating and a new way of acting. Take for instance, i wrote last year about how i am having to unlearn alot of what i know, to realize things for what they are. With that new way of thinking, brings a new way of acting. I cant continue to react the way i used to when i was in my lower self, because that wasnt making things better only the same and sometimes worse. What is the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results?? Well that was a the stage i was stuck in and obviously it wasnt getting me any where. so in the process of becoming a better person and being in my higher self, my way of acting is something that needs to change as well. I like the results that im getting with my changes and growth. I may have a few slip ups to where i fall into my lower self, but thats part of growing right?
Recently Sr and I have decided to cut alot if not all of the processed meat out of our diet. We went grocery shopping yesterday and got a whole lot of food minus the meat!!! Last night i made tofurkey wraps and cranoat cookies. i was turned onto them when we went to a vegan friends house. i can honestly say that the tofurkey in spinach wraps are one of the best and easiest things ive ever ate/made. I also made some cranoat cookies last night, that came from a vegan recipe. the werent "vegan" so to speak, since i had margarine already in the house but they still came out just as good. scratch that those cookies were good as hell. lol tonight i made a nice salad for sr and had a wrap with lettuce, onion, green peppers, cream cheese and italian dressing. sounds weird but i ate that 3 hours ago and im still full. I think im going to like being a vegetarian.
Heres to the new new.
oh ps.. go check out my other blog.. The wife of a musician
Recently Sr and I have decided to cut alot if not all of the processed meat out of our diet. We went grocery shopping yesterday and got a whole lot of food minus the meat!!! Last night i made tofurkey wraps and cranoat cookies. i was turned onto them when we went to a vegan friends house. i can honestly say that the tofurkey in spinach wraps are one of the best and easiest things ive ever ate/made. I also made some cranoat cookies last night, that came from a vegan recipe. the werent "vegan" so to speak, since i had margarine already in the house but they still came out just as good. scratch that those cookies were good as hell. lol tonight i made a nice salad for sr and had a wrap with lettuce, onion, green peppers, cream cheese and italian dressing. sounds weird but i ate that 3 hours ago and im still full. I think im going to like being a vegetarian.
Heres to the new new.
oh ps.. go check out my other blog.. The wife of a musician
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Happy New Year Good People
happy new year good people. i hope your new year has been all that you have made it so far. this was the first year in about 5 that we have not thrown a nye party, and you know what? it was a nice change to bring in the new year with. i think the season with alot of those people who used to come has changed. and by change i dont mean that in a bad way, but the last party that i remember having the most fun at was at least 3 years ago. i love everyone that ive ever brought the new year in with, but im just in a different place in my life. this year i brought it in with people that i know i am supposed to be around for this period of my journey. im excited for 2013 and everything it brings.
so im sitting in the bed typing this trying to get this child of mine to sleep, and i had to stop for a minute because my child just wanted to talk with me. he told me who all of his class mates are, what he had for lunch, what he does with his friend Quin in class and everything. like omg i just had a serious conversation with my two year old. lol hes getting so big, like when i look at him it makes my eyes water that he is so big now. like i miss my wittle baby. can you tell hes my only? as im typing this now, he was laying on my arm and told me to be
so im sitting in the bed typing this trying to get this child of mine to sleep, and i had to stop for a minute because my child just wanted to talk with me. he told me who all of his class mates are, what he had for lunch, what he does with his friend Quin in class and everything. like omg i just had a serious conversation with my two year old. lol hes getting so big, like when i look at him it makes my eyes water that he is so big now. like i miss my wittle baby. can you tell hes my only? as im typing this now, he was laying on my arm and told me to be
still. lol what? who are you? smh. it just blows his mind to see how much hes grown. heres proof of my small
beast i have. thats more than half my foot by the way. care to make donations to his show fund?
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