When it comes to war, I try not to pay it to much mind. Yes that is an ignorant thing to do, as it is important to be aware of whats going on even if it doesnt effect you directly. The thought of war was always something that I never knew much of, being ive never been and everyone I know who is or was military was never combat. Im reading this book called The Things They Carried, and at first it started off slow and I wasnt too sure about it, but I decided to keep on reading and give it a chance. This book is one based on events that took place in Vietnam. Now when I think of the war in viet-f***ing-nam I think of Forest Gump, obviously. This war is something i know nothing about, why we went there, what we were fighting for, nothing. What I do know is that my grandfather was there twice. I know he was in the army, but what he did I dont know. Reading this book makes me wonder what he saw, did, felt and thought while he was there. Im only about 105 pages in and the things im reading, im just in amazement and awe. There's a part in there where the author mentions of one of the guys in his platoon, and how he was playing catch one minute and the next blown into the tree because he stepped on a land mine. They were then ordered to peel the remains out of the tree. The other guy who was playing catch was the victims best friend. Later as they were humpin (moving around)they found this water buffalo, so they tied it up and took it with them. The victims best friend started taking his anger out on the animal by shooting at it. And I dont mean one shot take em out, I mean shooting its leg, the meaty part of its hind leg, its mouth completely off its face, and the whole time this animal is alive, not making a sound. Now I dont know if this is a true story or not, but either way, it is a story that will stick with me forever. My view is, how awful that is for the animal and cruel, where as someone that is or was military would be able to relate because they know the feeling of the victims best friend. There's another part where one of the soldiers girlfriend somehow made it to Vietnam and was kickin it at the medic site with them, she started helping out alot more and then decided she was going on missions with the green berets that were at the same site. One night the boyfriend finds her in what appears to be a seance type atmosphere with a necklace of human tongues tied together. Imagine if this was something that really happened. Like omg. This is nothing that the media feeds us when telling about the wars. Its almost as if... well it is what they want us to know to make us think that everything is ok and secure, when really our people are over seas all kinds if fucked up. I know opium was a big drug during Vietnam and some of if not all of could be a result of an opium trip, but still. I could only imagine. I wonder if my grandfather were still alive today would he tell stories of what he saw, did and felt, or would it be something he would take to the grave. Reading this definitely give me a new perspective on wars and the things soldiers see over there, and im not even done reading it yet. So to any and everyone that is currently or has previously served in our military, thank you. For all you have sacrificed, seen, done and felt. I appreciate you from the bottom of my heart.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Sunday, September 1, 2013

Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Ever heard the saying "when it rains, it pours?" I have been fortunate enough to miss the major storm for some time now, but it seems that this one I just couldnt avoid.
It started drizzling when I got another ear infection. Fine I still have medicine from the last one that hasnt expired, so ill self medicate. The rain started coming down when I get the call saying "Babe, I just got hit, im down the street from the house. The truck is totalled." Now, well now its storming. I was told on the way home, "I think the air is broken, its 82 degrees inside the house and its making some noise." Please keep in mind that as im writing this at 9:32pm, its 83 degrees outside now. And its projected to be 99 or 100 degrees tomorrow. can you see my storm yet? On top of that, im stressed with the insurance company and what thay outcome is going to be. Well let me rephrase that, im not stressed, but all of the above is something constantly running through my head. I guess right now, some kind of way is the only way to describe how im feeling right now. Idk. If you're reading this, send me some good energy, send me strength, prayers or whatever it is you do. Its appreciated.
Monday, August 26, 2013
Words really cant express the feeling of gratitude I have right now for my husband. Like our house is in a very calm state now compared to how we would reacted and stressed to this situation in our past. Everytime I think about it or look at picutres I just have to say thank you. Im not trying to be overly dramatic in this situation, but I could sit here and cry tears of joy and thankfulness for my husband. I honestly dont know what I would ever do if I lost him.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Counting our blessings
All thanks be to Allah that sr was able to walk away from this. Rest in peace to my truck, its been real lady.
I dont know if the dude wasnt paying attention or what. But he T boned the hell out out of sr today. You see the pics and the damages. Sr said when dude hit him, he spun and hit a pole, thankfully he had on his seatbelt and no-one else was with him. when I got to the car and was able to survey everything, there was glass everwhere, jr car seat was over turned and the cupholder on it broke off, the middle consoles lid wont close because everything had been smashed up and thats just the minor stuff. It was fluids leaking from where dude hit him and everything. Dudes truck was pretty smashed up too, but no where near as bad as ours. The police officer said the truck is totalled.
Now that we are home from the hospital and settled down, I am just so grateful that my baby was able to walk away with just soreness. When im looking at this truck my eyes just fill up with tears of gratefulness. This could have been so much worse. All praises to Allah foreal.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Ahh welcome to my world
My new world consists of being a mommy, the wife of a musician and now a dog trainer. We decided to take this wonderful, floppy eared german shepherd named Bella. The idea of getting her was to satisfy my need for a new dog, get some energy back in my old man pachino, and give jr someone to run, play and grow up with. Little did I in know this broad is crazy and stubborn as she wants to be. Ive had 3 pitbulls, and none of them were this stubborn. It seems the last puppy we took, (our grandpuppy) was a ginormous boy named zues, who was goofy as hell and got away with murder, has come back into our lives as my son. Jr is goofy as all get out, thinks he can get away with anything and is something like a small giant. Sr seems to think that this little crazy girl Bella is going to be a sign of what a new addition may be to our family. Lord help me if it is.
Monday, July 8, 2013
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
> i wonder if the amazement will every wear off that this is my son.
> He's getting so big so fast. He's still only two and it seems like he had been around forever. He's talking more, and learning to write his name, and holding like serious conversations. It just cracks me up the things he says some times. Like one morning he told Pachino "hey buddy morning." For Pachino to be such an old man (hell be 9 this year) he loves this child, he doesn't do much with him but he knows that's his brother.
> I signed jr up for the free build and grow clinics at Lowes this past weekend, and his buddy did too. So this turned into a daddy bonding time. They had fun building the monster trucks and playing in Lowes. He was so cute in his little apron.
> Its nights like tonight that i enjoy the most. Its a laid back night chilling in the bed. Sr had a show tonight, and usually on those days we do everything early and chill out in the bed. Right now were watching despicable me and sipping some tea. Lol i rhymed.
> Uh well good people I'll give ya more later, I'm ready to snuggle up with my mini.
P.s I'm doing this from my phone, so the layout is probably crazy. I apologize
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
i keep putting my foot in it...
the portobello mushroom stroganoff.. i used egg noodles for the first serving and ended up getting some brown rice for the second serving. i liked the rice with it better
the black bean and potato enchiladas.. better than any restaurant
the vegan chili
if you try any of these let me know what you think. you can always follow me on pintrest too.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Monday, January 14, 2013
New to me...
Recently Sr and I have decided to cut alot if not all of the processed meat out of our diet. We went grocery shopping yesterday and got a whole lot of food minus the meat!!! Last night i made tofurkey wraps and cranoat cookies. i was turned onto them when we went to a vegan friends house. i can honestly say that the tofurkey in spinach wraps are one of the best and easiest things ive ever ate/made. I also made some cranoat cookies last night, that came from a vegan recipe. the werent "vegan" so to speak, since i had margarine already in the house but they still came out just as good. scratch that those cookies were good as hell. lol tonight i made a nice salad for sr and had a wrap with lettuce, onion, green peppers, cream cheese and italian dressing. sounds weird but i ate that 3 hours ago and im still full. I think im going to like being a vegetarian.
Heres to the new new.
oh ps.. go check out my other blog.. The wife of a musician
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Happy New Year Good People
so im sitting in the bed typing this trying to get this child of mine to sleep, and i had to stop for a minute because my child just wanted to talk with me. he told me who all of his class mates are, what he had for lunch, what he does with his friend Quin in class and everything. like omg i just had a serious conversation with my two year old. lol hes getting so big, like when i look at him it makes my eyes water that he is so big now. like i miss my wittle baby. can you tell hes my only? as im typing this now, he was laying on my arm and told me to be